Friday, October 10, 2008

People who live in glass houses....

Well, you know the rest of it. I found this video today and had to share it in light on the latest attacks on Obama's patriotism. This clip speaks for itself.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Signs of Desparation

Sen. McCain really needs to muzzle the hockey pitbull in a skirt because not only is she trafficking in lies and innuendo, but she is whipping crowds up into a frenzy with dangerous rhetoric. She dares to bring up William Ayers when her own husband has ties to a secessionist group - a group for which she prepared a video statement this year?

Since his campaign is so worried about judgment and associations, how about asking ole Johnny to explain his membership on the board of the US Council for World Freedom - a group that helped fund the Contras in Nicarauga through the illegal sale of arms to Iran? McCain claims not to have been aware of their activies, yet he was on their board for several years during the early to mid-eighties. This group was the US chapter of World Anti-Communist League which has been linked to Nazi sympathizers.

Also, Cindy McCain really needs to tone down the vitriol because she is far too imperfect a person to fling mud at anyone. She had the nerve to claim that Obama is running the dirtiest campaign ever. Really? Is she unaware of what her husband's campaign operatives have been doing? I saw that clip of her carrying on about Sen. Obama's vote against troop funding and noticed that she conveniently forgot to mention that her husband also voted against a bill to fund the troops because that bill had a timeline for withdrawal. Obama voted against a similar bill because it did not have a timeline. So how is Obama any worse than McCain in this case?

And finally, what kind of man sends women out to do his dirty work? He lets the pit bull and the ice princess go out on the stump making false and reckless allegations while he stands back and grins. But Cindy better realize that the more she is out there spewing lies, the more people are going to look into her background, and she really cannot withstand the scrutiny.