I just read some interesting stuff about Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin on a blog written by someone from Alaska who has been following the self-described Hockey Mom's political career. As it turns out, the bulk of this executive experience that the Republicans are touting comes from some podunk little town with a population of 5,500 - not 9,000 as has been reported. She has only been governor for 20 months.
She is embroiled in a few scandals, favors shooting animals from helicopters for sport, believes in creationism, is pro life, opposed to teaching sex ed in school AND she has an unwed pregnant teenager. She just got her passport last year, has ties to a secessionist group that wants Alaska to be its own country and tried to have books banned in her town's libary. Is this the most qualified Republican woman that McSame could find for his ticket? Maybe he just likes to be around former beauty queens.
Read all the details here: http://mudflats.wordpress.com/2008/08/29/what-is-mccain-thinking-one-alaskans-perspective/
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