Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Truth About Sarah Palin

Doesn't this look like a check cashing joint?

Downtown Wasilla, Alaska

I just read some interesting stuff about Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin on a blog written by someone from Alaska who has been following the self-described Hockey Mom's political career. As it turns out, the bulk of this executive experience that the Republicans are touting comes from some podunk little town with a population of 5,500 - not 9,000 as has been reported. She has only been governor for 20 months.

She is embroiled in a few scandals, favors shooting animals from helicopters for sport, believes in creationism, is pro life, opposed to teaching sex ed in school AND she has an unwed pregnant teenager. She just got her passport last year, has ties to a secessionist group that wants Alaska to be its own country and tried to have books banned in her town's libary. Is this the most qualified Republican woman that McSame could find for his ticket? Maybe he just likes to be around former beauty queens.

Read all the details here:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Anne Price Mills- Overwrought Clintonista

So, I went back on my word and watched CNN again after Hillary Clinton's speech. Actually, my fiance was watching it and I happened to walk by when I heard this woman boo hooing and carrying on over how poor Hillary in all her brilliance was being passed over for Obama. I was in another room and couldn't see this person, but she kept on for so long that I finally had to see her face. Man, was I ever shocked to see this Black woman standing up there making an azz of herself. She would be the one that they interviewed after Michelle Obama's spectacular performance.

This woman had the nerve to talk about Obama's resume and implied that he was straight out of Harvard and had no experience. Does she not know that he was an Illinois state senator for 7 years, a community organizer and a Constitutional law professor? Was she not listening to Hillary when she asked her supporters if they were just in it for her? Enough already with all this whining and hand wringing and talking about Obama needing to earn their votes. What has McCain done to earn any of their dayumned votes? This is what happens when people start worshipping people and personalities rather than supporting causes.

Let me stop now before I get all riled up again. Watch this clip for yourself and see if you can remain calm.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I can't take it!

The presidential election coverage is giving me high blood pressure. It’s so bad that I find myself talking to the tv when they have these bitter Hillary Clinton supporters on complaining about how Obama is treating her. Whatevs. He’s the winner. And if she’d had enough votes to be the presumptive Democratic nominee does anyone really believe that she would be bending over backwards to accommodate him and his supporters?

And it is really irking me that these Repug morons keep calling Obama an elitist. How the hell can a man raised by a single parent, who had been on welfare at one point and who only recently paid off his student loans (at 47!) be considered an elitist? Meanwhile McCain’s old azz is the son and grandson of Navy Admirals, married an heiress (leaving behind his disabled first wife), wears $500 Ferragamo shoes on the regular and owns at least 7 homes – so he’s supposed to be a man of the people? Yeah, and I’m the Sugar Plum Fairy.

I wish that the folks who can’t bring themselves to vote for a Black man would just admit it and stop making up excuses to justify their positions. It’s like one of my neighbors who dared to say something negative about Obama around me. Now I don’t normally discuss religion or politics with people I don’t know that well, but if you bring it up I will not hold back - especially when you are saying something outrageous. She said that he was arrogant in how he went on that overseas tour acting like he was already President, and even compared him to Hitler! I was like how the hell can you make that leap to compare this man to Hitler? Hitler was a deranged dictator who ordered the slaughter of millions of Jews. That is not something to throw around lightly.

This is an old White woman who lives behind me, and I have been pissy with her ever since. When she saw how mad I was getting, she brought up some negatives about McCain and about politicians in general, but I wasn’t buying it. I told her that McCain was an old war monger with a history of cancer and who would be no better than Bush.

Another thing that’s making my jaws tight is how people keep on talking about Michelle Obama’s hatred of America. When exactly did this woman express those feelings? Just because she’s intelligent and outspoken these commentators and clueless people want to portray this woman as some kind of militant Black supremacist. It's ridiculous.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Taimak is still fine

I discovered this last year when I found his myspace page

The Last Dragon was released in 1985, but broman doesn't look all that different. A lot of this is probably genetic, but he also follows an excellent diet and exercise program.

Ladies, can you believe that this gorgeous specimen of a man is 44 years old?

I'm about to order his workout video because he is his own best advertisment. I haven't hit the big Four Oh yet, but I plan to be 40 and fabulous when the time comes.

RIP to the Shogun of Harlem

Actor Julius Carry III passed away on Tuesday at the age of 56. Carry, a film and tv actor, is best known for his portrayal of ShoNuff, the Shogun of Harlem in The Last Dragon - a cult classic for all of us 80's babies. Who can forget this scene?: Am I the meanest? ShoNuff! Am I the prettiest? ShoNuff! Am I the baddest mofo low down around this town? Sho Nuff!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Cheat Team

I have been laughing about this video all day! The best part is when R. Kelly comes in to give advice on how to handle the "Code Blue."