Wednesday, September 3, 2008

That John McCain?

This post was inspired by a rant that I left in response to a video on youtube from someone agreeing with Traitor Joe (Lieberman) that John McCain is the best candidate in the presidential race.

Does anyone honestly think that McCain, the hothead who admits to knowing nothing about the economy, would be a better President than Barack Obama?

McCain whose slogan is "Country First" yet who in his first executive decision selected a wholly unqualified woman to win over disgruntled female voters - passing over qualified and better known Republican women like Christine Todd Whitman, Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Elizabeth Dole in the process.

Mccain whose VP pick has more baggage than Delta Airlines and was not even properly investigated before being selected as his running mate. That John McCain?

McCain the 72-year old cancer survivor who would be the oldest president to start a first term if he were to win the election.

The same McCain who is suddenly aghast at the Old Boys Network, of which he is a long-time member, for daring to question Sarah Palin's qualifications.

McCain who has a newfound appreciation for Hillary Clinton and her supporters after having made many sexist remarks notably calling his own wife the C word and making a tasteless joke about rape. Is that the McCain you want to be our President?

McCain who did nothing but laugh when a woman at one of his rallies referred to Hillary Clinton as a beeyotch earlier this year.

The one who thinks that being a former POW insulates him from all criticism? The one who is being called out by fellow veterans and POWs for cheapening that experience by citing it for political points when it's not even relevant? Is that the McCain that some claim is the better candidate - or is there some other McCain running for office that I don't know about? That must be it.

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