Friday, May 23, 2008

Keith Olbermann tells em why he's mad

Hillary Clinton really stepped in it today and all of the political pundits have been ripping her to shreds, but Keith Olbermann really let that miserable wretch have it during a special comment. He got her trifling azz for the old and the new and let her know that not everyone is being fooled by her games. Shame on you Hillary Clinton.

First Mike Huckabee makes stupid joke about Obama ducking for cover and now this. Surely these people cannot be this clueless about how wrong it is to even think this evil shyt about a man who has done nothing but seek political office- never mind how wrong it is to speak on it in pubic. It's like they are wishing him harm. Some White folks are quick to say that African Americans are too sensitive, but crap like this is why many of us have a short fuse.

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